Share some MTA 98-364 exam questions and answers below.
The component that holds information for a single entry in a table is called a:
A. data type.
B. row.
C. column.
D. view.
Answer: B
Which statement will result in the creation of an index?
A. Option A
B. Option B
C. Option C
D. Option D
Answer: A
The terms "bitmap," "b-tree," and "hash" refer to which type of database structure?
A. view
B. function
C. index
D. stored procedure
E. trigger
Answer: C
Which command should you use to give a user permission to read the data in a table?
Answer: D
You have a table that contains the following data.
Which database term is used to describe the relationship between ProductID and ProductCategory?
A. cohort
B. relationally dependent
C. deterministic
D. functionally dependent
E. compositional
Answer: D
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